Ang.M2.Linguistics.Mrs. Zahaf. Evaluation
The exam of research methodology consists of two parts:
1. Answer the online test
2. Follow the steps given in the file joined here to provide a proposal of your master dissertation (answers should be sent on my email address ( as usual)
IMPORTANT: (answers are received from 28/03 to 03/04 )
The proposal should be written in Word format in which you respect the main guidelines of formatting (margins, font style and size, spacing, references (if any are used) etc.)
Ang.M2.Linguistics.Research Methodology.Mrs.Zahaf- Lesson 4
Ang.M2.Linguistics.Research Methodology.Mrs.Zahaf- Lesson 3
Master2.Linguistics/English.Research Methodology.Dr.Zahaf
Master 2- Linguistics (3rd Semester)
Course: Research Methodology
By Dr. Esma ZAHAF (Doctor in Sciences –Sociolinguistics)
E-mail: ( or )
Type of the module: UEM 1 (MethodologyTeaching Unit - Research Methodology and Corpus Linguistics)
Basic Requirements: Students are supposed to have notions about Research Methodology in making research in Linguistics
This is a simplified course for M2 students of Liguistics in the module of Research Methodology. It is devoted to students of Master2, in a simplified way, to guide them in writing their dissertations, and help them follow suitable methods in making research in linguistics.
The lecture is an introdcution to research, showing some simple steps to follow in conducting research.
Ang.M2.Linguistics.Research Methodology.Mrs.Zahaf.Program
This course is designed for M2 students, to enable them write their master dissertation in a methodological way. First, research is introduced with the major steps to conduct it systematically.
Evaluation S3. Language and Oral Discourse
Dear students,
You will be evaluated with an assignment that you have to send via email by the 15th of March.
Write an essay, where you demonstrate the influences of ICT development, TV, and Social Networks on spoken language. (Use your own style, respect punctuation, coherence, and cohesion; avoid plagiarism).
Send to: (Deadline: 15.03.2021)