Semestre 6

Prof. Nassima Kaid - L3 English for Finance, Banking and Insurance
kaid nassima

Prof. Nassima Kaid - L3 English for Finance, Banking and Insurance

This lesson will enable students to learn and acquire the different vocabulary and basic terms related to finance, banking and insurance.

By the end of the lesson, students will be able:

  • to communicate effectively in different situations in English
  • to widen and extend vocabulary range within the three different field
  • to develop knowledge in the financial aspects of banking and insurance to become competent entrepreneurs.

تسيير المخاطر المالية

تسيير المخاطر المالية

مقرر مقياس تسيير المخاطرالمالية لطلاب السنة الثالثة ليسانس مالية البنوك والتأمينات